Simboli .fgfsrc, 33, 38, 469
- file, 36
Numeri 3D panels, 433
3DFX, 345
A A1 Free Sounds, 491
aborted landing, 283
Adams, Syd, 492
additional scenery, 19
ADF, 269, 310
Adler, Mark, 521
aerei, 44
aerial refuelling, 187
aerofreni, 115
Aeronautical Information Manual, 191
AI, 145
aileron, 251f
aileron indicator, 158
Air Traffic Control, 304
air traffic facilities, 274
air-air refuelling, 186
aircraft carrier, vedi carrier
- installation, 22
airport, 610
airspeed indicator, 245
Airwave Xtreme 150, 16
Alettoni, 102
Alonzo, Raul, 493
altimeter, 215, 255
Altimeter, 300
- tuning, 217
- absolute, 216
ambiente, 143
America, Michele, 403, 494
artificial horizon, 241
astronomy code, 438
ATC, 425, 612
ATIS, 298
ATIS messages, 427
Atlas, 177, 461
attitude indicator, 242
audio library, 543
audio support, 449
auto coordination, 254
auto-coordinamento, 42
autopilot, 288, 302, 406, 528, 541
autopilot controls, 130
- modes
– heading mode, 290
– roll control mode, 289
– vertical speed mode, 291
autorotation, 334
avvio del simulatore, 26
- Linux, 30
- macOS, 31
- Windows, 29
B Baker, Steve, 448
bank, 244
Basler, Michael, 496
Bendix transponder, 431
Berndt, Jon, 630
Berndt, Jon, S., 416, 480, 497, 616
binary distribution, 2
blade control
- collective, 323
- cyclic, 321
Bleisch, Paul, 499
blocco delle ruote di coda, 110
brakes, 222, 576
- left wheel [,] (comma), 221
- right wheel [.] (dot), 220
Brennan, Jim, 500
Bright, Bernie, 501
Buchanan, Stuart, 502
Buckel, Bernhard, 503, 615
Buckle, Gene, 504
C campo visivo, 71
Carmichael, Ralph, 506
carrello d’atterraggio, 112
carrier, 170
- catapult, 172
- landing, 176
- starting from a, 171
- TACAN, 174
catapult, vedi carrier, catapult
Cessna, 586
Cessna 172, 405, 414
Chauveau, Didier, 507
Check, John, 429, 434, 471, 508, 619
Cherokee flight model, 584
clock, 260
clouds, 442, 591
collective, 328
collective blade control, 324
COM transceiver, 275
COMM1, 270
COMM2, 271
command line options, 34–90
- index of, vedi Index of Command Line Options
communication radio, 272f
contributors, 488
control surface, movable, 435
controllano i motori, 106
controlli da tastiera, 96
Controlli del pilota automatico, 128
Controlli del simulatore, 116
controlli per gli aeromobili, 99
controllo automatico della velocità, 132
Cornish, Dave, 388, 509
crab landing, 287
cyclic blade control, 322
Cygnus, 608
Cygwin, 350
D debug, 149
deflettori, 114
Delise, Oliver, 456, 481, 510, 620
deltaplano, 15
Denker, John, 198
Direzione Visuale, 118
display options, 119
- installation, 24
- Installare, 25
DOS, 356
Doue, Jean-Francois, 512
E Eberly, Dave, 513
edifici casuali, 65
effetti sonori, 11
elevation indicator, 160
Elevatore, 103
- shut down, 233
- shutdown, 282
equipaggiamento, 144
Evans, Francine, 514
Everitt, Oscar, 515
F FAA, 192
FAA Training Book, 193
FAQ, 336, 558
FDM, 418, 498
Festival, 184
- installation, 185
FG_SCENERY, 21, 28
fgfsrc, 32
- file, 35
FGShortRef, 3
Finney, Bruce, 517
fix, 308
flaps, 113, 234, 247
- control lever, 235
- steps, 236
flare, 280
Flebbe, Olaf, 518
flight dynamics model, 417
flight model, 415
flight planner, 460
Flight simulator
- free, 362
- multi-platform, 5
FlightGear, 478
FlightGear forums, 340
- versions, 13
FlightGear Wiki, 487
Foad, Julian, 635
fog effects, 545
frame rate, 70, 379, 383
Franz, Melchior, 519, 628
FreeBSD, 525
freni, 109
freni di parcheggio, 111
freni di stazionamento, 92
FS98, 516
fuel indicator, 261
G Gailly, Jean-loup, 520
GameGLUT, 596
Garg, Mohit, 523, 621
Gellekum, Thomas, 524
geographic features, 387
Girish, Neetha, 526
GLIDE, 346
Go Around, 307
Goeke-Smith, Jeff, 407, 527
Gold, Michael, I., 529
gouverne de direction, 104
graphics routines, 360
GSHHS data, 396
gyro compass, 258
H Habibe, 531
head-up display, 153, 155, 402
heading bug, 301
height, 164
- flying, 331
- getting started, 318
- landing, 332f
- lift-off, 330
helicopters, 314
help, 150
Hill, Mike, 532
history, 351
- aircraft, 400
- environment, 437
- scenery, 371
- user interface, 445
Hofman, Erik, 376, 533, 634
hot air balloon, 554
Hotchkiss, Charlie, 404, 534
HTTP server, 462
HUD (Head-Up Display), 293f
- full mode, 292
HUD, 73, 75, 154, 156, 165, 401, 495, 535
I IFR, 195f
ignition switch, 262
ILS, 313
inclinometer, 249
Installare altri aerei, 23
instrument panel, 152, 410
Internet, 459
J Jackson, Bruce, 366, 536
joystick, 91, 315, 451
joystick settings, 470
joystick/self detection, 452
Justus, Maik, 538
K Kaaven, Ove, 539
Kaszeta, Richard, 540
keyboard, 200
keyboard controls
- aircraft, 108
- display, 120
- engine, 107
- general, 126
- view, 117
- numeric, 202
- uppercase and lowercase keys, 201
keyboard.xml, 98
Knienieder, Tom, 542
Koradi, Reto, 544
Korpela, Eric, 354
Kuehne, Bob, 546
L Laird, Kyler B., 547, 622
landing, 278
- aborted, 284
- aid signals, 214
LaRCsim, 365, 370, 412, 537, 566, 585
latitude, 166
latitudine, 51
latitudine iniziale, 54
light textures, 389
Linux, 6, 355
Livermore, 297
longitude, 167
longitudine, 52
longitudine iniziale, 53
Ludwicki, Roman, 548
Luff, David, 426, 549
M magnetic compass, 259
magneto, 227
magneto switch, 428
mailing lists, 339, 490
manetta, 100
map, clickable, 385
Mayer, Christian, 440, 482, 551
Megginson, David, 189, 394, 399, 411, 430, 436, 453, 468, 555, 629
menu, 446
menu system, 611
MetaKit, 605
Metro Works, 600
- common, 210
Mitchell, Eric, 375, 559
mixture, 229f, 303
- lever, 231
- optimisation, 232
modello di volo, 46, 48
modello di volo UIUC, 14
Moore Cameron, 337
Moore, Cameron, 557, 627
Morken, Anders, 561
- avviare
– jet, 95
– turboelica, 94
- avviare
– pistone, 93
mouse, 134
- Controlli del, 133
- controllo, 136
mouse in più, 63
- normal mode, 206
- normale, 135
- rudder control, 224
- view mode, 209
- visualizzazione, 137
- yoke mode, 207
MS DevStudio, 349
MSVC, 348, 505
multi-engine support, 432
multi-lingual conversion tools, 552
multiplayer, 146
Multiplayer, 168
multiplayer code, 455
multiple computer, 179
multiple displays, 178
Murr, David, 352
Murta, Alan, 562
N NAV, 267
Navion, 413
NDB, 268, 309
nebbia, 69
Nelson, Phil, 563
network, 458
networking code, 454, 511
Novikov, Alexei, 564
nuvole 3D, 62
O oggetti casuali negli scenari, 66
Olson, Curt, 361, 373, 382, 384, 391, 423, 457, 463, 483, 565, 614
OpenGL, 10, 342, 367, 380, 472f, 530
- Aerei, 45
- ambiente, 58
- Caratteristiche, 41
opzioni d’ambiente, 57
- debug, 89
opzioni di debug, 88
opzioni di rendering, 59
opzioni di rete, 80
opzioni di sistema degli aeromobili, 76
opzioni di tempo, 78
- generali, 40
- HUD, 74
opzioni IO, 86
- IO, 87
- modello di volo, 47
opzioni percorso/tappe, 84
- percorso/tappe, 85
- posizione iniziale e orientamento, 50
- rendering, 60
- rete, 81
- sistema degli aeromobili, 77
- Suono, 43
- tempo, 79
orientamento iniziale, 55
orientation, 56
OS/2, 357
P panel, 151, 556, 573
pannello strumenti, 64, 121
parametri della riga di comando, 37
Paul, Brian, 568
pausa, 127
pedals, 329
Peden, Tony, 484, 569
Peel, Robin, 424, 570
Perry, Alex, 571, 623, 631
Perry, Dave, 625, 632
pilota automatico, 129, 142
pilotaggio, 124
pilotaggio 2D, 122
pilotaggio 3D, 123
pitch, 243
pitch indicator, 157
playback, 182
PLIB, 447, 450, 474f
posizione, 141
posizione iniziale e orientamento, 49
problem report, 338
problems, 335
- general, 341
- Linux, 343
- Windows, 347
procedure turn, 312
programmers, 489
property manager, 464, 467
proposal, 353
R radio, 299
radio stack, 265, 422
random ground objects, 398
recording, 180
Reid-Hillview, 296
Reinhard, Friedemann, 409, 572
Reinholdtsen, Petter, 574
replay, 181
Riley, William, 393, 575
Ripristina il volo, 139
risoluzione della finestra, 72
Ross, Andy, 419, 577, 633
rotor, 320, 326
round-out, 279
RPM indicator, 257
rudder, 250, 253
rudder indicator, 159
- keyboard control, 223
- mouse control, 225
runway lighting, 390
S scenari, 20
scenery, 368, 377, 386, 392
- additional, 18
- database, 609
scenery subsystem, 567
scheda audio, 12
Schlyter, Paul, 578
Schoenemann, Chris, 579
Schubert, Phil, 580
Sectional, 295
See how it flies, 199
Selig, Michael, 420, 626
server HTTP, 82
server telnet, 83
Shewchuk, Jonathan, 581
shutdown, 281
side-slip, 237
Sikic, Gordan, 583
SimGear, 476f
slip landing, 286
Smith, Michael, 587
speed, 162
- units
– knot (nautical mile per hour), 226
spin, 239
Spott, Martin, 588, 613
stall, 238
starter, 264
starting the engine, 263
static objects, 397
stick (joystick), 319
Stockill, Jon, 589
Sun-OS, 359
Swift, 147
system requirements, 9
system.fgfsrc, 39
T TACAN, 175
tachometer, 219
tail rotor, 317, 327
Talsma, Durk, 439, 441, 590
tastiera, 97
TerraGear, 479
Text To Speech, 183
texture, 378
textures, 372, 374, 560
throttle, 101, 163, 316
throttle lever, 228
thrust controller, 325
thunderstorms, 444
Traffic Pattern, 305
triangle program, 582
trim, 105, 240
Troester, Kai, 344, 624
- mouse speed, 212
TTS, 188
turn coordinator, 218
turn indicator, 161, 248
- procedure, 311
tutorial, 190
U U.S. Geological Survey, 369, 593
UIUC, 421, 592
UNIX, 364
V Vallevand, Mark, 594
van der Mac, Sam, 550
van Sickle, Gary, R., 485, 595
VASI, 306
vegetazione casuale, 67
velocity ranges, 246
vertical speed indicator, 256
VFR, 194, 276
- changing, 203
view frustum culling, 381
- instant replay, 204
views, 465
Vine, Norman, 408, 466, 486, 597, 617
visual flight rules, 277
visuale, 125, 140
visualizzazione delle nuvole, 61
VMap0 data, 395
Voci del menù, 138
Voegtli, Roland, 598
volo in tondo, 131
Volpe, Carmelo, 599
VOR, 266
W Walisser, Darrell, 601, 618
weather, 553
wiki, 4
Williams, Ed, 602
Wilson, Jim, 603
Windows 11/10/8/7/Vista, 7
Windows 95/NT, 358
winds, 443
windsock, 285
Wippler, Jean-Claude, 604
wireframe, 68
Wood, Charles, 197
Woodsoup, 606
workstation, 363
Wright Flyer, 17