Anhang D
Index of Command Line Options

Page numbers in italics indicate the reference page for the option.

A --addon, 51
--adf1, 244
--adf2, 245
--aero, 108, 370
--ai-scenario, 83, 84
--aircraft, 92, 94, 107, 109, 316, 333, 354, 361, 363
--aircraft-dir, 99
--airport, 121, 122, 140, 355
--allow-nasal-from-sockets, 276
--allow-nasal-read, 64
--altitude, 117, 147, 164, 358
--aspect-ratio-multiplier, 181
--atcsim, 282
--atlas, 281
--AV400, 283
--AV400Sim, 284
--AV400WSimA, 285
--AV400WSimB, 286

B --bpp, 182
--browser-app, 65, 66

C --callsign, 265, 330
--carrier, 133, 135, 144, 332
--carrier-position, 134
--ceiling, 179
--com1, 240
--com2, 241
--composite-viewer, 78
--config, 35ff, 67, 68, 70, 325
--console, 304

D --data, 50
--developer, 305
--disable-ai-models, 80
--disable-ai-traffic, 82
--disable-anti-alias-hud, 233
--disable-auto-coordination, 77
--disable-clock-freeze, 249
--disable-clouds, 184
--disable-clouds3d, 186
--disable-distance-attenuation, 188
--disable-fgcom, 273
--disable-freeze, 75
--disable-fuel-freeze, 120
--disable-fullscreen, 190
--disable-gui, 73
--disable-hold-short, 274, 275
--disable-horizon-effect, 192
--disable-hud, 235, 345
--disable-hud-3d, 237
--disable-mouse-pointer, 194
--disable-panel, 196
--disable-random-buildings, 198
--disable-random-objects, 200
--disable-random-vegetation, 202
--disable-real-weather-fetch, 171
--disable-save-on-exit, 60, 62
--disable-sentry, 278
--disable-sound, 89
--disable-specular-highlight, 204
--disable-splash-screen, 206
--disable-terrasync, 14, 56
--disable-texture-cache, 229
--disable-wireframe, 208
--dme, 246
--download-dir, 15, 18, 52

E --enable-ai-models, 79, 331
--enable-ai-traffic, 81
--enable-anti-alias-hud, 232
--enable-auto-coordination, 76, 326, 356
--enable-clock-freeze, 248
--enable-clouds, 183
--enable-clouds3d, 185
--enable-distance-attenuation, 187
--enable-fgcom, 272
--enable-fpe, 306
--enable-freeze, 74
--enable-fuel-freeze, 119
--enable-fullscreen, 189, 339
--enable-horizon-effect, 191
--enable-hud, 234
--enable-hud-3d, 236
--enable-mouse-pointer, 193
--enable-panel, 195, 344
--enable-random-buildings, 197
--enable-random-objects, 199
--enable-random-vegetation, 201
--enable-real-weather-fetch, 169, 170
--enable-save-on-exit, 59
--enable-sentry, 277
--enable-sound, 88
--enable-specular-highlight, 203
--enable-splash-screen, 205
--enable-terrasync, 13, 17, 55
--enable-texture-cache, 228
--enable-wireframe, 207

F --failure, 247
--fdm, 102, 103106, 338, 352, 369
--fg-aircraft, 49
--fg-root, 3, 5, 710, 2329, 43, 44f
--fg-scenery, 4, 6, 11f, 1922, 46, 47f
--fgviewer, 307
--fix, 128, 143
--flarm, 287
--flight-plan, 280
--fog-disable, 209
--fog-fastest, 210, 212
--fog-nicest, 211, 213
--fov, 214

G --garmin, 289
--generic, 288, 350f
--geometry, 216, 217
--glideslope, 165
--graphics-preset, 180

H --heading, 151
--help, 39, 40
--httpd, 266, 269f, 327, 364
--hud-culled, 238
--hud-tris, 239

I --igc, 290, 291
--ignore-autosave, 61
--in-air, 115, 116, 148

J --joyclient, 292
--jpg-httpd, 268
--jsbsim-output-directive-file, 308
--jsclient, 293
--json-report, 309

L --language, 57
--lat, 137, 145
--launcher, 1, 2, 3034, 38, 87
--livery, 100
--load-tape, 85
--lod-levels, 224
--lod-range-mult, 227
--lod-res, 225
--lod-texturing, 226
--log-class, 311, 312
--log-dir, 313, 365
--log-level, 310, 366ff
--lon, 136, 146

M --mach, 163
--materials-file, 215
--max-fps, 218
--metar, 167, 168
--min-status, 97
--model-hz, 110, 362
--multiplay, 264, 328f

N --native, 297
--native-ctrls, 294, 335, 337
--native-fdm, 295, 334, 336
--native-gui, 296
--nav1, 242
--nav2, 243
--ndb, 127, 132, 142
--ndb-frequency, 131
--nmea, 298
--no-default-config, 69
--notrim, 113

O --offset-azimuth, 139
--offset-distance, 138, 357
--on-ground, 114
--opengc, 299

P --parking-id, 123
--parkpos, 124
--pitch, 153
--prop, 314, 315, 317f, 340343, 346349, 353
--prop:browser, 319, 320f
--props, 300
--proxy, 271
--pve, 301

R --random-wind, 177
--ray, 302
--read-only, 63
--restart-launcher, 86
--restore-defaults, 58
--roc, 166
--roll, 152
--rul, 303
--runway, 125

S --shading-flat, 220
--shading-smooth, 219
--show-aircraft, 95, 96, 98
--show-sound-devices, 90
--sound-device, 91
--speed, 111
--start-date-gmt, 250, 259
--start-date-lat, 251, 260
--start-date-sys, 252, 261
--state, 101

T --telnet, 267
--terrain-engine, 223
--terrasync-dir, 16, 53, 54
--texture-cache-dir, 230, 231
--texture-filtering, 221
--time-match-local, 253, 255, 257
--time-match-real, 254, 256, 258
--time-offset, 262
--timeofday, 263, 360
--trace-read, 322
--trace-write, 323
--trim, 112
--turbulence, 178

U --uBody, 154
--uninstall, 324
--units-feet, 71
--units-meters, 72, 149, 157, 161

V --vBody, 155
--vc, 118, 150, 162, 359
--vDown, 160
--vEast, 159
--vehicle, 93
--verbose, 41
--version, 42
--view-offset, 222
--visibility, 172
--visibility-miles, 173
--vNorth, 158
--vor, 126, 130, 141
--vor-frequency, 129

W --wBody, 156
--wind, 174, 175f
--wp, 279